
Moms Of Boys Are Happy From Son Up To Son Down


What a magical day!!!  Mother’s day started out with Tony taking Nate and Preston into the living room so mama could get a little extra shut eye {beautiful}.  We then all got ready and headed out to church where Nate helped sing during the offering.  I L.O.V.E. how much they have the kiddos sing and interact at during the services {and so does NATE!}.  It was SO cute to watch Nate look all over for me and Tony.  I had moved up to snap pics and since we have Preston, Tony was all the way in the back {just in case}.  Once Nathan found me he mouthed ~ Sing with me mama!



We then headed over to my FAVORITE place to eat… JASPERS!!!


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          DSC_0013 Nate and daddy enjoyed their meals…DSC_0014 


and so did Mr. P!

After we were stuffed to the gills we headed home for some AWESOME R&R!

When everyone made it back out of their rooms mommy was celebrated yet AGAIN!!!

Nate had made me a really cute hand print wall hanging at school {they even wrapped it with handprint paper!} and daddy had taken the boys out to get me some VERY sweet cards and flowers.  Since mommy is so opposite and looses weight when pregnant and carries baby P’s food with her ~ they also gave me a Shopping Spree ~ that is baby free!!!

{Now if I can just stay in my area and not head for the kids clothes}


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My favorite gift {other than my beautiful boys} that Tony gave me wasn’t given to me on Mother’s Day, but the night before Preston was born.  It is a Prayer bracelet.  I had been looking for a neat way to do this and he surprised me with this…DSC_0054

The {N} stands for Nate, the {P} for Preston & the 3 angels are for our three that are in the arms of Jesus.  I can’t describe how this was the SWEETEST and most THOUGHTFUL gift I have EVER received!  It brings tears back to my eyes as I type.  I will cherish my bracelet FOREVER! 

Thank you Tony, not only for being a wonderful husband, but an INCREDIBLE daddy!!!

Mother’s day was AWESOME!!!

2 Side stories ~

~ We were eating at a yummy restaurant last week when Tony told Nate that they need to go shopping for mother’s day. 

Nate: What for?

Tony: A gift for mommy {don’t tell her, but start thinking about something to get her}

Nate: I want to get her a diamond!

Mommy to Tony: I like the way he thinks!!!

Mommy {after laughter stops ~ Nice daddy}: Where did you hear that idea from?

Nate {going for his drink}: The TV

…I believe that this shows kids pick up EVERYTHING!!!

~ In the car yesterday on the way to church

Nate: Mama your not a Mother

Tony: Baby, mama is a mother, she’s your mother

Nate: No she’s not

Mommy: Yes honey, I’m you mama

Nate: No…You’re not a mother mama, you’re a mommy mama!

Mommy and daddy: speechless {this happens ALOT!}

the wrights of passage copy

2 Quick thoughts:

The Taylor Family said...

Glad you had a great Mother's Day!! The boys are precious! Tony is a very sweet guy...surprised you didn't know that. ;)

Lauren said...

Hey Kathy! Happy (late) Mother of Two's Day!! Looks like you had an awesome day with your boys....me too...I truly enjoyed my first Mama Day! I can't believe Little P is already 1 month old! Marcus and I want to come visit and bring lunch - I'd invite yall over, but I'm sure it would be way easier if we came to yall! Let me know which days work for ya and we'll come play :) Glad yall are all doing fantastic!